Retirement Wishes From Boss To Employee: Retirement is a significant milestone in one’s life that marks the end of a career or a chapter of it. The sense of fulfillment and accomplishment that comes with retirement is something that cannot be replaced. As a boss, it’s your responsibility to make your employees feel valued and respected. When an employee retires, it’s an opportunity to show them how much they are appreciated and how much their hard work has meant to the company. Retirement wishes from a boss to an employee are thoughtful gestures, especially when done professionally.
See also: Congratulations On Your Upcoming Retirement | Wishes
Retirement Wishes From Boss To Employee
- How are you Dear, today you are leaving us for retirement. I am happy for you and congratulate you on this honorable exit. Thank you for your 10+ hard years of loyalty to our company! We will miss your positive attitude in the workplace every day. Job well done!
- I had the pleasure of knowing you as a co-worker and friend on your last day with us. You have been a great asset to our company, and we will all miss you. Happy retirement to you.
- Your warm smile has brightened every day you’ve come to work. Wishing you all the best in the years to come, and may your retirement be a happy and fulfilling one!
- You are a pleasure to work with. You have good morals and values and your dedication and commitment at work have been exemplary. I wish you the very best in retirement and I thank you for serving this company for so long as a loyal and dedicated worker.
- It’s hard for me to put into words just how much you have meant to this company, and how much I appreciate your hard work and dedication.
- Over the years you have proven yourself to be an exemplary leader, but an even more outstanding person. I know you will go on to accomplish great things no matter what road you choose to follow.
- You have been a pleasure to work with. Your dedication and hard work have not gone unnoticed. You have been a stress-free joy to my day. I wish you nothing but the best in your future. I hope that you can find your happiness and inner peace in retirement. You will be missed!
- I want to say thank you for all you have done in the past at work these past few years. Your hard work and devotion are what make our company strive. I know that you will go on to bigger and better things in your career, and any company would be lucky to have you.
- I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your hard work over the years. I appreciate everything you have done for the company. Our conference room is named after you and will always be occupied.
- You are a great leader, entrepreneur, mentor, and a better friend. I wish you nothing but the best in your retirement and know that our paths will cross once again soon. Best of Luck!
- I am so grateful that we have worked together. You have been a vital part of this company and I will miss you dearly. Your thoughts, insight, and humor are something I can’t replace and I am glad we still talk! It was great working with you and don’t ever forget how valuable you are!
- I want to take a moment to say, thanks for making me look good. The trust you placed in my hands has truly been appreciated from the very beginning and that’s why I chose you to be part of my team. You proved yourself early on and I will be grateful for the work you did from now until the day you retire.
- Thank you so very much for everything you’ve done. You were my right hand till the end and I appreciate all of your hard work. You will be missed!
- When you first came to me, I didn’t know what to make of you. You were so inexperienced and I had seen so much in my life that I thought I was immune to being impressed.
- Through the years though, I have seen such great potential in you, and I have grown so fond of you that it has taught me to give new people more of a chance. You are brilliant in your way and have filled this office with your wit, charm, and intelligence that can fill any atmosphere.
- It’s hard to believe that it has been 14 years that you have worked for me. You have been the most reliable employee I could have ever hoped for. Every morning you are one of the first in and last out. You make sure everyone has what they need and you leave things in better order than when you found them. Happy retirement my friend.
- Your attention to detail is something many don’t have. It is because of your commitment that I was able to expand my business and hire more help. Your hard work will always pay off. Happy retirement to you.
- You’ve been an outstanding employee and a great colleague. I know the day will come when you leave my company, but you will always remain in my heart. Wishing you a happy retirement!
- Every special moment is created just for you and me. I want to make everyone precious. You are the best thing I have, my heart, my soul. Happy retirement my friend!
- You are one of the most amazing people I have ever known. I always knew that you would be successful but never in my wildest dreams did I think you would rise to this level. I wish you the best in your retirement
- You are a fantastic mother, employee, and friend and I know that you will have so much success in your future. I am honored to have you as part of my team and wish you the best in your retirement!
- It’s been an honor and a pleasure to work with you these past 10 years. You are truly one of the best. I grow more proud of you with each passing day. Best wishes on your retirement and the start of a new phase in your life!
- No matter what the future holds, I know that you have had a great career here and will have success in the future.
- You are far too talented to be in this job forever, so make plans now to pursue your other passions and joys. Always remember how much you mean to me and that I am so grateful for everything you have done.
- I’ve been thinking of you all day. You have been a wonderful employee, and I know you will be incredibly successful in the future. Our company has enjoyed having you as part of our team, and we will miss you as much as you will miss us.
- You were a loyal employee and will be missed. As you move on to new endeavors, I wish you the best of luck. To your future love life: I hope that he is half as good to you as you were to me. Happy trails my friend!
- It has been my pleasure to work with you for the past 10 years. You have become not only my employee but also my friend. Your thoughtfulness, professionalism, and hard work have meant a lot to me, and I’m going to truly miss having the pleasure of working with you. I wish you all the success in the world and I am sure that you will do well wherever life takes you. Thank you for everything.
- I have had the privilege of working with you over these many years. You have played a vital role in the success that this company enjoys today. I wish you much happiness and success in your future endeavors.
- When I hired you, we were two young and ambitious business people. Over the years our lives and careers have changed, but through all of it, you have been a shining star of constant dedication and hard work.
- I want to thank you for turning my small enterprise into a reputable corporate entity. The majority of our success can be attributed to your efforts, smarts, and dedication. You are truly one of a kind, and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
- You’ve become a part of our family and we will miss you dearly. But don’t worry, for it is time for a new adventure to begin. You have been a source of guidance and stability here at our company.
- When I first hired you, I saw someone with passion and skill. You quickly became not just an employee, but a partner in crime of sorts as well. I will miss going on adventures to faraway places, and eating at the local hole-in-the-wall restaurants.
- I know we go way back. I first met you when you were in high school. We worked together at the diner. You always made me laugh and you had such a happy life and outlook on everything.
- Even though we are moving on to different jobs and positions, I’ll never forget about you. I’m glad that we are both in a professional capacity now as friends because I want to thank you for all the years of good work and loyalty you’ve given me, and all the laughs we shared.
- There are no words to express how grateful I am to have worked with you. You have been a role model and inspiration to me through the years. Thank you for all that you’ve done. I hope one day we will celebrate your retirement together!
- It’s hard to believe I have worked with you for 10 years. You’ve certainly been an asset to this company, and I will miss your daily presence around the office.
- Although you are retiring, I’d like to say that you have given me nothing but good memories, and I hope we will remain good friends. Thank you for everything!
- I still can’t believe you’re retiring. I know it’s just a figure of speech, but it hurts all the same. You’ve been such a huge part of this company and such an important person to me that it’s hard to imagine life without you.
- It has been an honor and a pleasure. Your tireless efforts and dedication has made our company what it is today. Happy Retirement!
- I have never been sadder to see somebody leave this company than I am you, but I am happy for the wonderful job that you are about to start. I wish you all the best of luck in this new venture. I hope that our paths cross many times again, but until then I thank you for your service to our company.
- Last Friday was your last day of full-time employment with us. I want to thank you for all your dedicated years of service as a valued member of our team. Here’s to many more years together in retirement.
- I am proud of the work ethic you have shown. You are an excellent example for others in my department to follow. I am glad we got to work together and I wish you the very best in your future endeavors.
- I have known you as a valued employee, but now as a dedicated colleague. The example you have set for me is one that I will forever use. Thank you.
- Such a pleasure working with you. You are always so much fun and made coming to work so enjoyably. I wish you all the best in your new endeavors!
- You have been a tremendous asset to our company, and I will always value the experience and knowledge you brought to the table. You always did your best and put forth a lot of effort, and I want you to know that I appreciate it! Good luck with your future endeavors!
- Growing up you were always a great friend of mine. Now that we are both adults, you have become so much more. You are a pillar of strength and I am glad to work side by side with you these past few years.
- I want to thank you for all that you do every day, and hope we can continue working together in the coming years. I believe the best is yet to come.
- I think you are one of the best people I have ever worked with. You have always been so kind and thoughtful. You taught me so many things that I will use for the rest of my career. I am going to miss you, but I am excited about the new chapters in your book! I’m proud of you!
- Your words and guidance have helped me grow. I will never forget your passions and drive. Our work relationship will be missed by all. As you proceed through the future know this ~ the door is always open and you will always be welcome back with open arms. Happy retirement!
- You have been the most impactful person in my professional career. I will greatly miss your friendship and knowledge. Thank you for all that you have taught me and all that you have done for me.
- Words cannot express what your presence has meant to me over the past few years. You have helped me grow so much as an individual. I will be forever indebted to you, and as I create new memories I will think of you and your profound work ethic.
- You have been a great friend and employee. Know that I will always be here for you whenever you need a helping hand. I wish to see you succeed in all your pursuits and believe me, you will!
- You have a determination that is hard to beat. Even if there may not have been an easy way, you always found one. I am proud of the man you have become and the work and effort you put in towards your job. Thank you for working here and being a great employee.
- I have watched you grow and develop over the years, taking on each new challenge with gusto and a smile. I will always remember our shared moments of triumphs and laughter. You are a natural leader, who has taught me so much, and I am going to miss your genuine smile, deep voice, and kind heart.
- We will miss you as an employee, but we are so happy for you as a friend. There is no one I’d rather have at my side than you. You’ve been there for me through the good and bad times, and I can’t thank you enough. I am going to miss your advice and friendship. Please keep in touch!
- You have shown a commitment to this company for 35 years. I will miss your presence every day. When you hear the smoke alarm and the halls ring with shouts of “FIRE!”, do YOU run out of the kitchen? Enjoy your retirement but come back for lunch occasionally.
- You have been an integral part of getting this company’s project to where it is today. I know for a fact that the growing success we have achieved is because of your work and dedication. For this reason, I’m requesting you, to stay with us as you are greatly appreciated here.
- I have known you for a long time now, and have been honored to have you as an employee. I remember your first day when you were so nervous but so excited.
- Through all the years I can’t believe how much progress you’ve had in both your career and personal life. Despite all that you’ve accomplished, through all the stress, deadlines, and conflicts, you never lost sight of what’s important.
- I feel like you are a member of my family and have been for the last 20 years. So it’s only fitting that I write this letter to tell you how much it has meant to work with someone who cares so much about what they do and takes their job, and all of us here at the company so much to heart. You will be missed by everyone.
- I want to thank you from the whole of my heart. For everything you’ve done and you’re going to do. Because of you, I feel young again. So thank you and goodbye!… Just kidding!!!
- From the day I hired you I knew we would get along. The moment I met you I was impressed by your maturity, professionalism, and character. Then during our months of working together, I noticed your work ethic, dedication, and loyalty.
- You are one of the smartest and hardest-working people I have ever worked with. You have taught me so much over the years and I thank you for that. I am going to miss working with you every day! I’ll be cheering you on as you start this new phase of your life.

Retirement Message From Boss To Employee
- I appreciate your years of dedication. You have been a great employee and a good friend. I will miss you and all the fun we used to have in the office together.
- I’ve never been much of a suit-type guy, but wearing one for your retirement was a first! You are an inspiring friend, co-worker, and employer.
- You’re the kind of person that everyone wants to have as a part of their team. Your friendship will be missed in the office, so I hope you’ll still drop by. Your spot is always warm here. We love you!
- You have reached the greatest achievement of your life and I am so happy that I had a part in it, I know that only good things will come your way because you are a person dedicated to your job, family, and friends. Thanks for these years of sacrifice where you were an excellent employee, but also an excellent friend.
- It has been my pleasure to work with you over the years. You are diligent and competent. We will sorely miss your presence around here but I know that you will enjoy your retirement and the time you will make for yourself. Congratulations on a job well done, I’ll miss you!
- You are an amazing employee, friend, and mentor. You were a pleasure to work with and I will miss you. Thank you for your hard work and dedication throughout the years. Good luck with your next adventure!
- I didn’t know you very well when we first met. But as the years went on I’ve learned to love and appreciate you. Your talents go far beyond job requirements and I look forward to working with you in your future endeavors. Of course, you will never really be gone because our paths will cross again……one day.
- I’ve been privileged to have you as my employee for these past 15 years. You’ve taught me more than most teachers could in that period. You worked hard, learned quickly, and worked tirelessly with fewer resources than anyone else on the team.
- I am going to miss you, but I know you are moving on to bigger and better things. You’ve taught me how important it is to move on when a job ends and how to look forward to what the future brings. Thank you for all you do.
- I have to thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication. You were an invaluable part of the team and I will never forget your years of service. I wish you all the best in your new endeavors and expect great things from you shortly.
- You are the most valuable employee I have ever worked with. It has been a privilege to have you here and I wish you the best of luck in all future endeavors.
- Your leadership skills, skills as a software engineer, and focus on professionalism will undoubtedly lead to success in your career. The door is always open to you if you ever want to return. Take care and best wishes!
- I just wanted to take this opportunity to say a few words about you. You are an amazing person and it has been a privilege to know you. I want to wish you all the best as you move forward in life.
- I’ve seen you grow from a fresh-faced grad to a seasoned professional. You have been an excellent member of the team and I wish you the very best in your future endeavors.
- I want to thank you for putting so much effort into your work. You’ve never been a “9 to 5” person; always going the extra mile, staying late or coming in early, and doing whatever we needed to get the job done.
- Thank you for believing in this company and for helping us to become successful. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with you, and thank you for being a bright spot in my day!
- You’ve been an outstanding employee and a good friend. You always gave it your all. I hope you can enjoy your retirement. Best of luck, sir!
- You are my trusted right-hand man and I am proud to call you my friend. Today you officially retire from our company, and I will miss the hell you. The business is in good hands with Jack taking over your sales division, so take all the time you need to enjoy your final days.
- You were a great employee and friend, but most importantly you are a wonderful person. You will be missed by everyone here at work. Take care of yourself and have a happy retirement!
- The company has lost a great man, you will be missed. You have served this company well for many years, more than I could ever express. Your kindness and hard work left an impression on all that you met. Even though it is your time to retire do not underestimate every day as the gift it is. It will never be wasted! God bless you and enjoy your new future.
- Thanks for all your hard work! You have been such a pleasure to work with, and I will miss you so much. Enjoy your retirement knowing that you will always be in my thoughts. Yours Truly!
- I have known you for many years. From your first day on the job to your last. You were the best employee we ever had, the hardest worker, the one who always gives it his all. I can’t thank you enough for being here with us.
- I am truly going to miss you. Today marks the end of our working relationship, but I will always consider you a friend. You are a great employee, have a lot of integrity, and have a wonderful way with people.
- I wish things didn’t have to change and that you could continue here; unfortunately, it is time for you to move on and begin the next chapter in your life. I am so proud of your accomplishments thus far, and I know you will continue to shine!
- Thank you for your commitment to excellence and your friendship. You will be missed as an employee and as a friend. The angels have gained an usher as we bid you Godspeed on your new journey. Life is short, enjoy every minute of it!
- Thank you for all your hard work over the past 35 years. Your dedication to our company and countless contributions have made us the success we are today. It’s been my honor to work alongside an individual as talented and dedicated as you. You never cease to amaze me. I know you will succeed wherever you go, so keep up the good work! I look forward to our friendship for many years to come.
- You’re the best personal assistant I’ve ever had. You’ve always done a fantastic job and you’ve got so much energy. Most of all though, I’m proud of how well you’ve grown in your career and for taking on more responsibility over the years. People like you make my job a pleasure.
- Congratulations on your hard work and great life achievements. I’m sure you’ve got many more exciting years ahead of you… Take care until we meet again!
- When I was young I used to have dreams. Dreams of love, adventure, and a successful career. Through some amazing circumstances, I found all three with you. Together we have created an amazing life, a love beyond compare, and adventure beyond imagination. It has been great working with you, Happy retirement buddy.
- Thank you for sharing your life with me, you mean the world to me. In everything you do my heart soars with your success. Thank you dear friend for filling my life to the brim with more joy than anyone could ever imagine!
- I have come to realize that I should be thanking you for the opportunity to work with you for as long as I did. You have taught me so much about this business and because of that, I am leaving this company in far better shape than when I found it. Thank you for your time and commitment to this job.
- Thank you for all your hard work these past 10 years. Because of you, we have grown so much. You have been a dedicated employee, and I couldn’t have asked for more. Treat retirement well, and enjoy the moments with family and friends.
- It has been my pleasure to have worked alongside you. You have been an excellent employee, exceeding all expectations every day. I wish you luck in your retirement, and heartfelt thanks for allowing me to be your boss!
- You have been an excellent employee and I have enjoyed working with you. You are very dedicated to your work and always willing to help. I am sending you this card because it is the end of an era but not the end of our friendship. Sharing a cubicle with you has made my job so much better and I feel like I want to be snarky with you for at least another 20 years!
- We have had a long and great run together, standing beside each other. You are an important part of this company and I am proud of you. I wish you the best in your future endeavors. I love you like family and thank you for all that you have done for me and this company.
- You have been such a valuable member of this company. You touch the lives of everyone you meet and help them become their best. I wish you nothing but all the happiness in the world. I thank you for your hard work and dedication over the years, and I hope to see you in life after work!
- It’s going to be hard to say goodbye. I am going to miss you more than you know. All of your hard work and dedication have not gone unnoticed. I wish you much happiness as you move on from our company to pursue new dreams. You will always be a valued employee here at the Corp!