Short Good Morning Messages For Friends: Good morning messages to friends are a great way to start your day on a positive note. They serve as a reminder of how much you value your friends and how much they mean to you. Short good morning messages are a simple yet effective way to express your thoughts and feelings to your close ones. In today’s fast-paced world, we often forget to take a moment to appreciate the people who make our lives better. A simple good morning message can go a long way in making your friend’s day brighter and happier.
In this blog post, we will be sharing some of the best short good morning messages for friends. Whether you want to send a motivational message to kickstart their day or simply let them know how much you care, we have got you covered. From funny and lighthearted messages to heartfelt and emotional ones, our collection of good morning messages has something for every type of friend.
See also: 99+ Good Morning Message For A Friend You Cherish
Short Good Morning Messages For Friends
- Good morning, my friend. I woke up this morning thinking of you and I just wanted to tell you a quick good morning message! How are you doing today?
- Good morning to my best friend who brightens up my day with the quickness! How I love the happy texts you send! I cherish our friendship and our amazing adventures together. I hope we never stop smiling together!
- Good morning! I hope you are doing well! I wanted to tell you that I value your friendship. You’ve been there for me through some of the toughest times and no matter how bad things get, we still can always manage a smile. You are one of the best people I know and I hope we remain friends forever.
- Good Morning, you are my sunshine, thanks for being there for me, and let’s have a great day together! _
- When I wake up every morning, I am reminded of how lucky I am to have a friend like you. Thank you for being the best. Have a great day!
- Good morning! I hope this day is fantastic for you and the whole fam! Have a great day.
- Good morning, gorgeous! I can’t wait to see you!
- Good morning to the brightest person in my life. I’m proud of you and your accomplishments so far this year, your future is so bright!
- Good morning dearies, I don’t usually do this, but I just wanted to make sure you feel special. You are a wonderful friend and I appreciate all that you do. Thanks for being there when I need someone to talk to. I will always be here for you as well!
- Hey man, just wanted to say good morning. I know this is random, but I hope you have a great day. Call me later!
- Hey buddy, good morning, hope all is well. How about we grab a coffee later and talk about the latest movie!

- Hey there! How’s it going, friend? Good, I hope. I just wanted to say hi and wish you a good morning. I hope your day is going well and that everything turns out okay! Give me a call or text later on today and let me know how things are going!
- Good morning and a very happy day to my best friend in the whole world! Thank you for always being there for me when I needed it most. Every day is a blessing with you in my life. I hope your special day is wonderful and that you get everything you wish for!
- One day you will wake up and realize that I have been the best friend you’ll ever have and ask yourself why it took so long! And I will say the same thing but in different words. I’ve loved you from the moment we became friends and that love has grown stronger with time. Good morning.
- Good morning friends! Let me wish you a lovely day to come, filled with joy and hope, smiles and laughter. May the day bring you beautiful things, smile upon you, and make this one of your most beautiful days!
- Good morning, my friend! How are you today? I hope you had a great sleep. It is a beautiful day outside, enjoy it. See you at work tomorrow, sweetie!
- Good morning, my dear friend! Today will be a wonderful day. I pray your night was a lot better than mine, and that today will be filled with love and good times.
- Good morning, hope you have a great day and to let you know that a good friend is thinking about you!
- Before I have the first cup of my favorite morning coffee and before my day begins, I think of you. Before I go to bed, I think of you. Throughout the day, you are with me because you are such a big part of my life
- Good morning friend! You’re the best! I hope you have a great day. Tell me all about it later.
- Good morning dear! Did you sleep ok? Hope so! And seeing your name on my phone instantly woke me up! Can’t wait to tell all the stories over a nice bottle of wine and laugh, laugh, laugh as I have been missing doing. Let’s make this a memorable one! Love ya lots.
- Good morning sunshine! I hope your day is as bright and cheerful as you are.
- Good morning, You are such a cool colleague. You always have a smile on your face and I don’t have any problems at all.
- Good morning, my dear friend! In this morning sunlight, I am sending you a fresh wave of positive energy that will fill your entire day. I hope it brings you lots of success, happiness, and love!
- Good morning, you’re the first text I read every day and the last one I think of before going to bed at night. May your day be filled with love and happiness!
- I want to wish you a good morning. You are closer to me than my own family, like a blood brother. I’m glad we met and I’m proud of your accomplishments in life. I wish you the best and most beautiful morning ever!
- Good morning! Hope you had a fun night hanging with friends and family. I think that you are great and I hope to keep being your friend forever.
- Hey friend! Did you have a good night? here’s to another beautiful and sunny day. Good morning!
- Good morning to you, I am the luckiest person to have you in my life. I remember when we first met, we were just kids back then. You are one of the best friends I’ve ever had – always there for me whenever I needed you. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend.
- Every morning when I wake up I think of you. Your hugs make me feel warm, your smile makes me want to shine and your laugh is contagious. Every day is better when I get to spend it with you!
- Good morning hun, I am so glad we met. I love being your friend, you mean the world to me. We have a special bond that will never break. You are my soul mate! I can’t wait for us to go shopping or out to eat or just sit around and have a good time together. I will never leave your side!
- Morning brightness, freshness, and cheer, here’s wishing you a great day that’s filled with lots of love and joy. Good morning dear friend!
- You are amazing. You are so much fun to be around. I’m so happy we met and that our friendship grew into so much more. You are my little slice of sunshine in a world that desperately needs more love! Friends forever! Have a wonderful morning.
- Hey, good morning! Hope you have a great day today. I’m sending a big smile your way. Don’t forget to be awesome!
- Good morning hun, just wanted to wish you a great day. I hope the wonderful weather in your hometown makes you smile today. Have a great day my friend!
- Good morning dear, your friendship means more to me than you know. Every moment spent with you makes me smile and I look forward to every second of it. You are an amazing person and I am so glad we found each other because life is just so much better with you around. Love you bunches!
- When you wake up in the morning, I just want to wish you a fabulous day. Have a wonderful day ahead, you deserve it!
- Good morning love, I love talking to you. You make me smile every time we talk. Have a great day!
- Good morning, you beautiful human being. How are you doing? I hope today is a great day. Will you make it even better with a hug or a smile? Either one is okay. Stay warm and have an amazing day!
- You are one of a kind and such an original person. I love you to pieces, my dearest friend. Good morning.
- I hope that your day will be filled with happiness and love. I am sending you some virtual hugs from here to there and everywhere. Have a good morning and day, my friend.
- Hey, good morning! I hope your weekend was wonderful. Don’t forget to call me when you get a chance. Love you!
- Good morning dear friends! Have a great day! God bless you!
- Hey there, I just wanted to say that you’re awesome and I hope you have a great morning.
- Wishing you a lovely day ahead. Have a great morning.
- Hey, good morning! Hope you have a great day! Remember to smile because you are awesome!!
- Does this clockwork? Can you tell me the time? Or is it just a lie that works in reverse? It makes me wonder. Good morning, my friend!
- Good morning beautiful, I hope you’ve slept well, don’t want to wake you, want to talk to you, I wish it was me.
- Good morning my friend! I am sending you positive vibes and warmth. May your day be blessed with all the good things in life!
- You are the sunshine in my life. All your messages make me smile. I don’t know if I’m lucky to have you or if you are lucky to have me! I love all you do and all you say. You bring me so much laughter and pleasure, thank you for being in my world! Good morning.
- Good morning. Sleep well? I did miss you though. I hope your day is as amazing as you are. Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you and wishing you a wonderful day!
- Good morning, as always my friend. I know it’s been a rough few days, but you have a great support system behind you. I love you so much and am here for whatever you may need.
- Good morning, I love you so much, my beautiful friend. May blessings and love surround you today!
- Good morning man, I hope you have a great day today. Please tell me if there’s anything that I can do for you, even if it’s just being there to listen. I’m always here for you, so do not hesitate to call/message me whenever you need to. Love ya bud!
- Morning friends! I hope you have a great day! I love you all.
- Good morning dear friends, you’re amazing and I’m so grateful to have you in my life. Thanks for all the laughs, advice, and support!
- Good morning bunnies, what a nice day so far! Ready to throw back some drinks and enjoy the sunshine.

Short Good Morning Message For A Friend
- Good morning! I love you and hope you had a great night. I must leave for work shortly but will try to come by later for our walk. If not, I’ll see you this evening. Leave love notes at moments in the day like this when you feel the love for your friends.
- Friendship is just like a tree, it is not planted by the waters, it doesn’t go down the river in the rain, yet it grows and grows. I am so glad to have you in my life. Good morning.
- Good morning and have a great day! Hope everything goes well today! You are all I want in this world! When you are happy I am happy too. Let’s do something together soon!
- Hey, good morning, how are you today? It’s great to know I have a friend like you. There is nobody else like you and I don’t know what I would do without you. Thank you for always being there when I need you.
- Good morning. I do hope you have an amazing day. Remember, life is too short to stress about anything. It will just make you age faster! So smile and enjoy every minute of today!
- Good morning, I hope you get this message in time. I just want to let you know that I love you and I think about you every day. I wish that you are my parents. You are the most wonderful people I’ve ever known, and I am proud to call you my friend!
- As your friend I want you to know you are special to me. I hope someday you will see, and realize just how special I feel about you. But until that day comes, know I am here for you anytime. Good morning hun.
- When you first texted me to hang out today I was so excited. Just seeing that text made my day! Your friendship means the world to me. I can’t imagine what my life would be like without you in it. You bring light into my life and I’m so thankful for you! I’m wishing you the best this morning.
- Good morning to you and good morning to the sunshine. Before the day starts, I just want to say good morning my friend.
- Good Morning Honey! I hope you have a great day at work. I can’t wait to see you tonight for dinner!
- Hey good morning, how was your night? I’m glad that you’re my friend and always have been. Love you bunches.
- A string of good luck, fortune, joy, and happiness is coming your way. May you have the best day ever! Have a wonderful morning.
- I hope you have a beautiful day! Good morning and have an awesome day. Good morning sunshine! Hope you slept well. Have a great day today and I hope you feel loved and appreciated!
- Hey, how are you doing this morning? I hope you are doing great. Just wanted to say hi and remember my friend.
- Good morning, sunshine! I hope you have a wonderful day ahead. I hope it’s one of those days where everything just goes right. I hope your first cup of coffee is your favorite kind and that it tastes amazing.
- Good morning! I just wanted to wake you up with a kiss and say thank you for everything you do for me. See you in class!
- Hey my morning sunshine, hope you have a great day! I love you.
- Good morning my dearest friend, wishing you the best start to another great day!
- Hey, how are you doing this morning? I hope everything is well. Just dropping a quick message to let you know I miss you! Hope we can hang out soon. Take care, bye.
- When I first met you, I didn’t think we’d last. Boy was I wrong! You’re such a sweetheart and every time I see you my mood gets better. Every day I send a prayer for your happiness. Good morning.
- Good morning! I hope your day is filled with the things you love and you can’t wait until the next time we talk.
- Good morning, sunshine! I hope you have a wonderful day today. Can’t wait to get together for coffee later so we can chat about our days. I know mine will be better with you in it.
- Hi! Happy morning. Just wanted to tell you that I’m thankful for you. You make me smile every day. Have a great day!
- Good morning, sunshine! It’s another beautiful day! I hope you have a great one. Your friendship is one of the important things the Lord blessed me with. Keep being awesome.
- Good morning my friend! I hope you have an awesome day today. You are such a bright part of my life and I hope you know that I truly appreciate our friendship. Thanks for being an angel in my life! Have a great day and stay cool.
- Good morning, my best friend. I hope your day brings you endless joy and happiness, surrounded by your loved ones.
- As the sun shines down on me, I imagine your presence beside me. For every ray of light that befriends me, a thought of you appears in my mind. As the sky turns light blue, may your eyes shine upon me again today. Good morning.
- When the morning comes, I just can’t wait to see your smile. Your eyes and your laughter are like a breath of fresh air to me. I can always count on you and I know that you will be there for me, through thick and thin!
- Good morning. I hope you have a great day today. Remember to get some rest because I will be seeing you tonight and I’m bringing you dinner! Love you lots
- Good Morning! I hope you are having a great day. Thinking about you makes my day start with a smile on my face. Have a great day!
- Hi honey! It’s a cold morning outside, so I left you hot coffee and warm muffins on the table. Also, I put new roses on the room divider. Love you!
- Good morning! Wanna go get some coffee and a pastry?
- Mornings are better when I think about the fact that you exist. I’m so glad that we’re friends because, without you, my mornings would be dreadful!
- Good morning sunshine! Wake up and shine, it’s a brand new day! Love you.
- Good morning, how are you doing buddy? I hope everything is well. Let me know if you need anything and I will try to come through for you.
- Happy morning! It’s been a hectic week for me. I’m glad it’s almost over. How was your day? What are you up to this weekend? I miss you and hope we can hang out soon.
- Good morning my friend, have a good day. Hope you slept well, have a great day at work and I miss our coffee breaks together!
- Good morning dear! I hope that this message will sound through your head as you wake up because it will bring a smile to your face.
- Good morning my friend, I am looking forward to staying awake with you all day and night, laughing and maybe creating some mischief. Have a great day and enjoy every second.
- Good morning dear! The sun is shining and the birds are singing. The world is new and fresh again because of one thing: you are waking up today. I hope this finds
- I don’t remember how I ever got through each day before I met you. Now every morning I wake up with a smile because I know that you are waiting for me when I get to the office. You bring so much joy and happiness into my life. I think of you often and hope that we get the chance to hang out soon.
- Good Morning! It is a beautiful day. I am grateful to be alive and that we are friends.
- Good morning! Here’s a smile to start your day and make you forget about yesterday. Have a great day!
101. Good morning sunshine, It’s a new day, So let’s celebrate, Wishing you a great day with lots of sunshine and laughter for you and me.
102. My friend, you’re my sunshine, my one true friend, You make me feel better when I’ve had a bad day. Good morning!
103. Good morning! Sunshine to wake up to, Warmth of the blankets, And a cup of coffee, All because of you.
104. Good morning, my friend, My day is brighter with you As my morning coffee. Your friendship is an asset that I cherish, I cherish your friendship.
105. Wish you a good morning, make your day brighter, for you are special and a blessing to this earth
106. In the morning I think about you, and I send you a text message, to say good morning, I hope you get it, and I hope it brightens your day.
107. Good morning, I was thinking about you yesterday, your smile, your laugh, your personality, I wish you could know this, It’s a great way for me to start my day.
108. Your happiness is my happiness, your sadness is my sadness, I’ll always try to see the good in you! Good morning to you, my friend.
109. Good morning to a good friend who’s been there for us through thick and thin, we’ve been through so much, but we always come out the other side, we’ve had a lot of good times, and a lot of bad ones, haha! I love you
110. Good Morning, I hope you are up, and I hope you are happy, so here’s a greeting to say good morning to you. Your warm embrace is what I want, to help my day go just right.
111. Good morning, the new day, the sun rises and the birds’ chatter, the smell of the sea and the flowers, the warmth of the sun and its light, all these things remind me of you.
112. The sun rises high in the sky, and I can hear a chorus of birds singing on this beautiful morning, and I know that the day is great. Good morning my Friend.
113. Good Morning, my friend I hope your day is a blessing. The sun is up and the birds are singing, I’ve got a lot to be thankful for (You’re one of them).
114. Good Morning, let’s go outside and enjoy the day, while we still can, and when it’s done, remember that we made it, and we’ll make it again tomorrow.
115. Good Morning! Truth be told, you are the true definition of a good friend. I am glad our paths crossed. Thanks for always being there for me.
116. Hey there! You know I love you right? Well, I do, I do, I do, I do! One more……………… I do! Good morning dearest, enjoy your day and keep being awesome.
117. Good morning, you’re the best friend I know, I’m glad you’re here, I could not be me without you, I cherish our friendship.
118. O my dearest friend, I hope you had a restful sleep, I’m sending you this sweet good morning to let you know how much you mean to me, I cherish our friendship.
119. Good morning, my friend, It’s a brand new day, and a chance to spin the wheel of fortune, so let’s make it a great one and take a chance, and make all our dreams come true.
220. Good morning to you and to all others who see this, I appreciate the kind things that you do, I appreciate what we share.
221. Good morning to a good friend, I’m glad our paths have crossed. Now I have you in my life, I’m even more complete.
222. Good morning to a good friend, I hope that this day turns out well, I know what you’re thinking, I’m thinking the same, Let’s get together tonight, maybe we’ll come up with a game plan.
223. Good morning GOOD friend. Hope this day is full of fun, and if it’s not, here’s a hug and a song to cheer you up. “All You Need Is Love” – The Beatles.
224. When you wake up, the morning will greet you, and say “Good morning to a good friend”. And though you are far away, I know that our friendship will never end.
225. I will always love you, I will always care. I will always cherish you and all the things we share. Good morning GOOD friend!
Good Morning Text Message To A Friend You Love
226. Good morning to a good friend, let me tell you how happy you’ve made me. I love that you are here for me, I love that I can trust you to be true.
227. Good morning to a good friend, the one I love because of who you are, the one I trust to be real, the one I know will be there when I fall.
228. Good morning, it’s a new day, A day that we can seize, A day that we can make the most of, A day we can love and be loved, A day we can do whatever we want.
229. Good Morning to a good friend, One who stands by my side through the good times and the bad, One who remembers the past and works towards the future, One who never gives up. You’re amazing!
230. I love you, good morning. The sun is up and the sky is blue. Let us have a wonderful day today.
231. Good morning to a lovely friend, A friend who’s always got my back, A friend who’s always smiling first, A friend who’s always there for me.
232. Good morning to my lovely friend, Hope you’ve had a good night’s sleep, Look outside the sun is rising, Life’s about to begin for you.
233. Good morning to a Lovely Friend, Your friendship is the nicest I’ve seen, It’s pure, it’s unconditional, so, remember the good times and never let them fade.
234. Good morning to a lovely friend, with a beautiful smile, a fun attitude, a personality that is mine, and a golden heart, I love you.
235. Good morning to a lovely friend, A friend who is as sweet as can be, a well-liked friend, A friend who is very pleasing. Kisses!
236. I just wanted to say that I appreciate you, the things you do, how you make me feel, and I hope you know, I care about you, I love you too. Good Morning!
237. Good morning to a lovely friend who makes my day seem so grand, I just want to say thanks for every ounce of your kindness.
238. To a friend I love, I say, Good morning to you, You make my life so true, You are the one who makes me smile. Thanks for sticking with me.
289. I wish you a good morning, I wish you a good day, I hope you’re having a wonderful time, and I hope that you’re feeling fine.
290. Have a good morning my friend, You deserve all the best, I know you’re going to face a long day, I’m sending you positive thoughts on your way.
Good Morning Text For A Newly Found Friend
291. Good morning to a new friend, A new friendship that starts with a hello, A friendship that brings us closer together, I hope you have a great day, and that’s the truth.
292. Good Morning, This is just a text message to say good morning, and welcome to the day, and I don’t want any response, I just want you to know that I’m thinking about you as I write this!
293. Good morning dearest friend, I hope your day is grand, It’s a day to have you in mind, And it’s a day to say I’m glad you’re mine.
294. I am more than glad I found you! I mean, where have you been all my life? Cheers to a new friendship that will last for a lifetime. Good Morning!
295. When I woke this morning, I thought of you, and how I would love a call, to hear your voice and talk. *if wishes were horses* Good Morning!
296. Good Morning Friend! You came into my life like a storm, and my world is a little less empty, May your day be filled with happiness, And may the Lord send you angels to watch over you.
297. Good morning to the new friend who is a part of my life, who is someone I can always lean on.
298. Good morning, new friend, I hope your night was peaceful, I hope your dreams were too, I hope the sun shines bright on your face, and I hope your day is just as nice.
299. Good Morning to a friend I have never met, but will meet someday, Forever you’ll be on my mind and in my heart, I open my mind and heart to you, For you to enter and enjoy.
300. Saying good morning is the least I can do to express my gratitude, For all your kindness and your empathy. I’m glad we found each other.
301. Good morning my friend, I am so glad you found me, We were destined to become Friends forever and ever!
302.Good morning to a new friend, I hope you had a good night, I’m sure you’ll have a great day, And I hope it will be filled with fun.
303. Good morning to a new friend, I hope that your day is swell, It’s nice to share a conversation with someone real and sincere.
304. I wish you a good morning with a smile on your face. May you have a good day and your stress be replaced with ease.
305. Meeting you was the best thing that happened to me! I love you, FRIEND. Can’t wait to see you later today. Good Morning!
306. Hey there, are you awake yet? Oh, you are, that’s great. Good morning to you. I’m glad to have found you. Thanks for letting me be your friend! Trust me, together we will have the time of our lives.